The Paradigm Paradox

By | March 20, 2004

I’ve already written some of my ideas about paradigms, but the most important point still remains. I maintain that the real benefit of a paradigm is not the way of thinking that it defines, but the contrast between this way of thinking and others. Almost every programmer I’ve ever met that only knows one paradigm seems to be hampered by an inability to look a problems from more than one viewpoint. I believe that much of the benefit that is derived from changing to the newest paradigm comes from the change. This would also help to explain why the decision to train people only in this newer paradigm does not automatically create better programmers.

Most of the entry-level programmers that I’ve worked with have been about the same level of effectiveness no matter what paradigm they were trained in. This has been true of structured programmers, modular programmers, and object oriented programmers. This effect also applies to the languages they were trained in. I haven’t seen any improvement in new Java-trained programmers over the older C-trained programmers or the Pascal-trained programmers before them.

Each generation of programmers seems to make a lot of similar kinds of mistakes. Although, the syntax of a new language may prevent you from making certain particular mistakes, there are certain classes of mistakes that remain. All of these entry-level programmers seem to start with a misunderstanding of complexity and an inability to look at a problem in an unusual way. They immediately begin to apply the paradigm without first understanding the problem. They also tend to solve problems in older code by adding more code, even when that is usually not the best solution.

No new paradigm that I’ve seen has solved these fundamental problems. I think that the effort to learn and work with more than one paradigm (or language) forces you to realize some of the differences between a good solution and an artifact of the paradigm (or language). For example, one of the most basic attributes of a good design is simplicity. This has been true in each of the programming paradigms that I have used. It is also true in mathematics, logic, and science.

Given two designs that meet all of the requirements, the simpler one is usually the best. One of the most important aspects of the OO paradigm is its ability to deal with complexity. A side effect of using OO programming is that many people add more complexity, because they can handle it. They are much more likely to build a framework of supporting classes, even for problems that don’t require them. In this way the OO paradigm can lead an inexperienced programmer to build a worse design through the addition of unnecessary complexity.

If you have experience in more than one paradigm, you are more likely to recognize this unnecessary complexity than if you’ve just done OO programming. Why? Because if you could solve the problem more simply without the object approach, you would see that solution as well. The contrast between these two possible solutions would cause you to look for ways to get the benefits of OO but the simplicity of the other solution. The result is often a simpler design.

On the other hand, some problems actually only have complex solutions. When comparing two or more approaches in this case, the complexity is more apparent because you can see the difficulty with using the non-OO approach. Nevertheless, the second viewpoint can provide insight into other difficulties that might be masked by the OO design. In this case, the second viewpoint does not replace the OO design, it enhances it.

So, to reiterate, the most important feature of a new programming paradigm is the contrast between that paradigm and the ones that preceeded it.

See my other blog entries on programming paradigms.