Bad Names and Good Bad Names

By | March 10, 2004

And just to prove that some ideas appear in many places all at once, Andy Lester explores naming again in O’Reilly Network: The world’s two worst variable names [Mar. 07, 2004]. Apparently, Lester is reviewing the second edition of Code Complete, one of my favorite books on programming, and says there is an entire chapter devoted to good variable naming practices.

The comments on the Lester’s weblog are a spirited little discussion on variable naming. But I have my own thoughts, of course.

A large portion of programming is actually thinking. We spend time thinking about a problem and convert our thoughts and understanding into code. As such, names are critical to clear thought and code. One comment on Andy Lester’s weblog suggested that the time spent coming up with good names was better spent writing code. This is an attitude I have heard many times in the past and have worked hard to remove when teaching.

Good names help when reading code. More importantly, good names help when thinking about the code, both during maintenance and during development. Humans are only capable of keeping a small number of distinct concepts in mind at once (7 +/- 2 according to George Miller), a good name can help by abstracting away a large amount of unnecessary detail. This allows you to focus on the important part of the code.

I try hard to always use good names for variables, functions, classes, programs, and any other artifact of my programming. I have learned over time that good names make my programming flow more easily. When I run into a method or variable that I can’t name, I know that I don’t truly understand that part. Many times I will give it a placeholder name until I understand it well enough that a name presents itself. At that time I try to always go back and rename the item to show my new understanding. To me, good naming is part of good design.

In contrast, if you use good names in general, there are places where bad names can be good ones. For example, i, j, and k are lousy names for variables. But, as loop variables, they become useful because we are used to them. Since the early days of FORTRAN these were the canonical loop control variables. Most people would recognize that without thinking about it.

One of my favorite bad variables is dummy. I only use it in one circumstance, I need a placeholder in an argument list that will receive a value that I will not use. Anybody looking at this code should understand the meaning pretty quickly. For example, in the C++ code below, dummy is used to receive a delimiter that I don’t care about.

config >> row >> dummy >> column;

I also have one really bad program/script name that I use regularly. The name is so bad that it carries with it an important meta-meaning. I often write one-shot, throw-away programs or scripts and name each of them doit. These scripts are for jobs that are easy enough to rewrite that I would spend less time rewriting it than I would spend trying to remember what I named it last time. I often write the Perl script for work that is a little too complicated for me to do as a one-liner, but not complicated enough to really build a real program for.

The meta-meaning of the doit program is interesting. If I find a doit script or program in any directory, I delete it. It was designed as a throw-away and I know that it is not really worth keeping. Every now and then one of my doit scripts evolves into something useful while I am working through a problem. At that point, I give it a real name and it becomes part of my toolkit, at least for that project.

The subject of names in programming is more important than many people realize. Some really bright people have written on the subject. Steve McConnell had some good advice in Code Complete. Andrew Hunt and David Thomas explain some of the reasons that bad names cause harm in The Pragmatic Programmer. Andy Lester had another weblog entry on names a short while back, O’Reilly Network: On the importance of names [Feb. 15, 2004]. In the comments to that entry, he pointed to Simon Cozen’s article Themes, Dreams and Crazy Schemes: On the naming of things from a couple of years ago.