Category Archives: Programming Philosophy

The Recurring Myth of Programmer-less Programming

Why is it that some people regularly suggest that someday soon we won’t need programmers? I’ve recently been seeing this as part of the IT outsourcing debate. But, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen it. The first time I saw this meme was shortly after I started programming professionally 17 years ago. I talked… Read More »

Paradigms Found

In my weblog entry Programmer Musings: Paradigms Lost from about five days ago, I talked about some of the negative effects of programming paradigms. That entry could give the impression that I don’t believe in new paradigms. Nothing could be further from the truth. However, I think the main benefit of new programming paradigms is… Read More »

Paradigms Lost

An earlier weblog entry, Programmer Musings: Paradigms limit possible solutions, spent some time on what paradigms do for programming. Now, I’d like to consider a slightly different take on programming paradigms. Why do programming paradigms seem to take on the force of religion for so many in the software field?

True Names

In some legends and in fantasy, there is the concept of a True Name. Once you know someone’s true name, you have power over them. To guard against problems with this most people would commonly use a use name that everyone actually uses to refer to them to keep their true name safe. In programming,… Read More »