Thinking About Object Lifetime

By | September 5, 2007

Several times in the last few years, I have written about the subject of memory management, garbage collection, and object lifetime. Some of essays I’ve written on this subject include:

Recently, I was thinking about this issue again and had a slightly different insight into my favorite argument about garbage collection. I have often said that one of the things I don’t like about the standard mark-and-sweep approach to GC is that it usually disregards object lifetime. I’ve normally seen the loss of defined object lifetime is a problem with GC. I’ve argued before that this loss removes a very important tool from the programmer’s toolbox.

However, I recently began to consider another aspect of object lifetime that I had previously overlooked. Even in a language that supports GC, being aware of object lifetime is still worthwhile.

Memory in non-Garbage Collected Languages

In languages like C++, that support defined construction and destruction of objects, the lifetime of an object is directly connected to the point when the constructor and destructor is called by the runtime system. A good C++ programmer should think how an object should be created and destroyed. The programmer uses object lifetime to determine what needs to happen at the beginning and end of an object’s life.

Defining the length of time the object lives also requires a little thought. If the object only needs to live a short period of time in one function, a stack object is appropriate. In other cases, a smart pointer can be used to constrain the lifetime of an object in well-defined ways.

A good C++ programmer thinks carefully about object lifetime and as a consequence has little problem with memory leaks. If the C++ programmer does not think about object lifetime issues, memory leaks abound.

Memory in Garbage Collected Languages

Memory leaks are not supposed to be possible in GCed languages. However, I have seen several cases of Java programs that leaked memory. In one sense, these are not really leaks, since the memory is referenced somewhere. But, in another sense, they are leaks because the memory usage of the program is growing unexpectedly. In many of these cases, the problem is that the programmer has forgotten about the object and did not tell the language to forget the object.

Even in a GCed language like Java, memory leaks are caused by not thinking about object lifetime. If the programmer attaches an object to a longer-lived object or container and forgets to remove it when the object is no longer needed, the object has effectively leaked. By not properly discarding references when the program is finished with them, the programmer has generated memory leaks just as surely as if the language did not support GC. It’s not an issue for short-lived objects created and discarded within a short stretch of code. But, then leaks aren’t possible with stack-based objects either.


Whether your language of choice supports GC or not, thinking about object lifetime will help you avoid memory problems. It may also help you avoid leaking other resources by making certain you are clear about when the resources are needed.