Participation vs. Hacking

By | August 11, 2004

In The Architecture of Participation vesus(sic) Hacking, Carlos Perez argues against points he sees in the essay Great Hackers by Paul Graham. Having read the two essays, I find Perez’s comments enlightening, but maybe not in the way he intended. I found things in both essays that I agree with, and things in both that I disagree with. There are some that I feel deserve comment.

Perez begins by focusing on a comment made by Graham that of all the great programmers he can think of, only one programs in the Java programming language. Perez, and others, take immediate offence at this comment and move to respond.

However, they miss an important point of the comment. Graham specifies of the great programmers he can think of. Later in the essay, Graham describes how hard it is to recognize a great programmer unless you’ve worked with him or her. I could make a similar comment that none of the great programmers I know program voluntarily in Lisp or Python. This does not mean that great programmers don’t write in those languages, I just don’t know any.

Furthermore, I think I’d go even farther to point out that the Java programming language currently attracts a large number of programmers of varying levels of skill for one reason only; someone will pay them to work in Java. As a side effect, you are more likely to find average or below average programmers working in Java than great programmers simply because there are a lot more to sort through. That does not detract from the great programmers you will find.

Having blasted Graham for an attack on his favorite language, Perez goes on to attack other Hacker languages. He writes that

Nothing has ever been built in Lisp, Python or any other “Hacker” language that comes even close to the innovation in the Eclipse platform. I challenge anyone to point one out.

Many people in the comments section of his essay point out several counterexamples. There’s no need for me to repeat those here.

I do find it interesting that Perez starts his whole essay based on one off-handed slap at Java and in the process makes an equivalent unsupported swipe at the Perl programming language (the write-only comment). I still find this ongoing misconception to be annoying. I’ve programmed professionally in Fortran, C, C++, Perl, Forth, and Java. I haven’t seen a single one of these languages that did not allow write-only code. (In fact, I’ve seen some spectacular examples in Java.) I’ve also seen beautifully written code in all of these languages. The readability of any given piece of code is more a reflection on the particular programmer and the problem at hand than it is on the language.

Perez also finds confusion by what he calls Graham’s definition of the word Hacker. I find this amusing. Graham is using the definition of hacker that was accepted before the media appropriated it for people who write viruses and other bad things. (See Jargon 4.2, node: hacker) I remember this definition of hacker in a version of the Jargon file back in the late 80’s.

Perez’s final mistake is in what he perceives as Paul Graham’s fatal flaw. He points out that sooner or later, every programmer enters maintenance mode and that no hacker would remain at that point. Perez defends this idea by quoting Graham’s comment that hackers avoid problems that are not interesting. He proceeds to use the legacy code argument to show why you shouldn’t rely on hackers or hacker languages.

Unfortunately, Graham didn’t say anything about great programmers and maintenance mode or legacy code. So this argument has nothing to do with Graham’s essay. Moreover, I have seen many cases where the beginning of the project was better described by Graham’s death of a thousand cuts comment than the maintenance of any legacy system I’ve worked on. More importantly, GNU software and the entire open source movement is driven by programmers (many of them great programmers) maintaining software for years.

All in all, I think Perez would have made his points better if he had not taken the Java comment quite so personally.