Idiomatic Programming

By | May 1, 2004

Like any natural language, most programming languages support idioms. According to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, an idiom is

A speech form or an expression of a given language that is peculiar to itself grammatically or cannot be understood from the individual meanings of its elements, as in keep tabs on.

A programming idiom can, of course, be understood functionally from its individual elements. The interesting thing about most programming idioms is what they say to the programmers who will read the code later. A programming idiom can reveal many things about the author of the code. To some extent, the idioms you choose are a function of your understanding of the language, what you may have been taught in school, and the other languages you have programmed in.

I made a comment on this subject earlier in Textual Analysis and Idiomatic Perl on Perl Monks. In that article, I pointed out that idioms are cultural, just like those in natural languages. Also like in natural languages, if you only have experience in one culture and language, the idioms of another appear unnatural or wrong. When learning a language, you learn the syntax and obvious semantics. You have to live with the language for a long while to learn the idioms.

The result of this is that the idioms of a language are foreign to new speakers. As they continue to use the language, simple idioms become part of their vocabulary. At first, they will misuse or over-use these idioms. Over time, they develop an appreciation for the subtleties of the expression. Eventually, those idioms are only used when necessary. With more exposure, more idioms become assimilated into your vocabulary. Soon, you learn to speak/program the language relatively fluently. Also, like natural languages, you may always retain a bit of an accent, based on your earlier languages.

This explanation seems to explain the course I’ve seen many programmers, as well as myself, take with a new programming language.

  1. You learn the basics.
  2. You begin to recognize and fight against the idioms.
  3. You slowly recognize the sense of simple idioms and try to use them.
  4. You over-use the idioms you know.
  5. You develop a reasonable understanding of those idioms and begin using them correctly.
  6. You learn new idioms and go back to 4.
  7. Eventually, you program with the language instead of fighting it.

The simpler the language, the quicker you get to the end of this cycle. But, a simpler language is not as expressive. So, you find yourself doing more work than should be necessary. A more expressive language takes longer to learn, but it’s easier to pass on subtle shades of meaning to the maintenance programmer (possibly yourself).

This is not to say that you must use advanced idioms to be effective in a language. Sometimes, a simple expression is all that is warranted. But, complex ideas and complex problems often have subtle solutions. Subtle shades of expression can help the reader of your code recognize when they need to pay attention. In the example from my Perl Monks note, I talk about variations in intent expressed by different conditional expressions in Perl.

Idiom can also serve as a warning. An unusual or advanced idiom should tell the reader that he is entering dangerous territory. This is a message that it’s time to pay close attention. A friend of mine is fond of referring to advanced code with the phrase Here there be dragons like on old maps. A properly placed idiom can do that more effectively than a comment. More importantly, if a good programmer runs into an new or unusual idiom, he should know to tread carefully and pay attention.

I think that idiomatic programming is a lot like becoming fluent in a natural language. You may be able to communicate with someone from Mexico using your high school Spanish. But going beyond simple, straight-forward communication will probably take a lot of effort. In some cases, that’s enough. You can be mostly right when asking where is a restroom or how to find a taxi. But if you needed to argue a business or legal case or explain a medical condition, I’m sure you would want every possible nuance of the language at your disposal.

Programming is one of the most complex things that humans do. You have to be able to take complex concepts and translate them in such a way that they communicate to two very different audiences: an incredibly literal device and an intelligent person who may need to make subtle changes later. Explaining the instructions correctly to the computer is hard. Communicating your intent to the other programmer is even worse. If that programmer misunderstands your intent, he might ruin all of your carefully thought-out work. Well-chosen idioms can help in communicating that intent.