XML-Serialized Objects and Coupling

By | January 31, 2004

Although the debate continues to rage between the XML as documents camp and the XML as data camp, it seems reasonable to believe that both styles are here to stay. I have noticed one trend in XML data that strikes me as déjà vu all over again. There seem to be a large number of tools for automatically generating XML from objects. Giving you the ability to serialize an object, send it somewhere and possibly reconstitute it elsewhere.

These tools seem to make an annoying chore much easier. But, I have to wonder. These tools simplify applying a particular solution. But, is it the right solution?

I started working in XML long before most of these tools were available. In the early days (a few years ago <grin/>), we worked out the serialization by hand. You converted what needed conversion to XML and left the rest alone.

One problem I see with the current approach is an increased coupling between the initial object and the XML stream that comes from it. If you are guaranteed to have the same kind of object, in the same language, on both sides of your transfer, that might be an appropriate solution. But what if you don’t have that guarantee? What if you are providing a service to someone else? What if you are providing an API over a network? (I didn’t say a Web Service, because nowadays that implies a particular architecture.)

What happens as your service changes over time? Do you really want to change the whole interface because the object that generates it has been refactored? If not, then you either have to leave those objects alone, or drop the nice tool that helps you generate the XML.

Many years ago, before Web programming and before the mainstream use of OO languages, there was a simple concept in programming to describe this problem, coupling. Long ago we learned that inappropriate coupling was bad. The higher the coupling between two pieces of code the harder it is to change one of them without changing the other. The whole concept of interfaces is based around the idea of reducing coupling.

My problem with these tools and the approach they simplify is that they may be increasing coupling unnecessarily. If both ends of the system must have identical object layouts in order to use the tool, then you are locking clients of the service into your way of looking at things. This makes it much more difficult for other people to use the service in ways you hadn’t planned for. In fact, it makes it more difficult for you to use it differently in a year than you see it now.

I built a Web Service a few years ago for use inside a company. This was before the proliferation of WSDL and UDDI. SOAP was still pretty new. We defined the system using XML over HTTP. We defined the XML to fit the data we needed to send, not the objects we generated it with. It was not perfect and we learned many things along the way. One of the more interesting things that came out of it was the fact that the generic XML could be consumed relatively easily by code written in with different technologies from ASP to Perl to Flash.

I think the next time I build something like this, I will definitely do a few things differently. But the serialized objects approach is one thing I probably won’t do. I don’t think the increased coupling is worth the temporary gain.