Unit tests that should fail

By | January 16, 2004

I was doing a little research on the Java JUnit test framework and ran across the article The Third State of your Binary JUnit Tests.

The author points out that in many test sets there are ignored tests as well as the passing and failing tests. As the author says, you may want to ignore tests that show bugs that you can’t fix at this time. He makes a pretty good case for this concept.

The Perl Test::More framework takes a more flexible approach. In this framework you can also have skipped tests and todo tests in addition to tests that actually need to pass. These two different types of tests have very different meanings.

Skipped tests are tests that should not be run for some reason. Many times tests will be skipped that don’t apply to a particular platform, or rely on an optional module for functionality. This allows the tests to be run if the conditions are right, but skipped if they would just generate spurious test failures.

Todo tests have a very different meaning. These tests describe the way functionally should work, even if it doesn’t at this time. The test is still executed. But, if the test fails, it is not treated as a failure. More interestingly, if a todo test passes, it is reported as a failure because the test was not expected to pass. This allows bugs and unfinished features to be tracked in the test suite with a reminder to update the tests when they are completed.

Unlike the idea in the referenced article, these two separate mechanisms don’t ignore tests that cannot or should not pass. Instead, we can document two different types of non-passing tests and still monitor them for changes.