By | January 23, 2004

In most of the SVG I’ve seen people either prefer to use the style attribute or set the individual style attributes. I don’t see much use of CSS classes and I wonder why.

Most of the criticisms I’ve seen of the use of CSS fall into four categories:

  1. It’s not XML.
  2. It’s too verbose to use CSS on all elements.
  3. It’s not as easily scripted or animated.
  4. It’s inconsistently supported.

It’s not XML

Let’s take these one at a time. The first is one of my favorite non-arguments. I don’t use XML for every piece of data in my life. For example, most of the words I type do not use characters that are explicitly marked up. Even more amazing, the individual digits of most numbers I use aren’t marked up in XML, either.

All sarcasm aside, XML is a good format for some things and a lousy one for others. Sometimes raw text is better. Sometimes a comma-separated values (CSV) file is better. And, sometimes XML is best. So I don’t consider this to be a useful argument.

It’s too verbose to use CSS on all elements.

Well, that was true of CSS and HTML as well. In fact, I remember people using that as a reason to go ahead and use <font> tags in HTML. (Which were even more verbose.)

People with a bit more experience, or people that are too lazy to style everything explicitly (like me), often use CSS classes to solve that problem. Instead of a large number of individual style properties, you only need one class attribute. This also simplifies changing the look of many elements by modifying the class they are associated with.

It’s not as easily scripted or animated.

This is often true. I believe there are viewers and libraries that allow you to modify CSS on the fly, but I don’t know that the methods are consistent across tools. The key is to not use CSS for things that you want to be dynamic. In many cases, a large amount of the elements in the display don’t change (or some of the styling is static even on elements that do change), style those with CSS classes or with direct styles. Put the things you plan to change in attributes.

In my experience, most of the things I animate or script, I do by changing either individual XML attributes or whole classes of styling. But, I don’t usually directly modify styling information. In fact, changing one class attribute can result in a drastic change to an element, effectively modifying a large number of style properties all in one call.

The one downside, of course, is that you need to set up the CSS classes in advance.

It’s inconsistently supported.

This is definitely true. I have run across lax CSS features in ASV3 which cause difficulty displaying SVG written for ASV3 on other viewers. But, from what I’ve heard and seen of newer viewers, that situation seems to be improving. Of course, if we use that excuse we need to stop working on the web. Support and rendering of HTML is still inconsistent. And, in the past, I remember people using invalid HTML to get the visual effects they wanted on certain browsers.

My experience

I’ve tried to use CSS classes in SVG for most of my own work, and I find it works quite well. I also use the style attribute to override the class values for a few elements.

Finally, if I need to do a lot of scripting or animation on an element I tend to rely on the styling attributes.

In fact each of these approaches has its own strengths and weaknesses. Playing with them allows you to develop a sense for when each could be the right tool for your particular job.