Tag Archives: learning

BPGP: How Best Practices Go Bad

There are a few reasons that Best Practices get specified in a profession. Provide standards for judging proposed solutions. Provide cover for unforeseen circumstances. Provide a starting point for discussions to improve the state of the art even more. Help more junior people make better decisions before they fully understand the field. Applied to software,… Read More »

The Show Me Response

This week, there was an interesting post on Jeff Atwood’s Coding Horror blog. This essay was on Shuffling. Shuffling is an application of random numbers, which is a particular interest of mine. I will write more on that subject in an upcoming essay. One of the comments caught my eye because it echoed a sentiment… Read More »

Programmers and Reading

What is it with programmers who don’t read? Most of the best programmers I know are constantly learning. They seem to have an insatiable curiosity for any topic they are interested in. These programmers are often reading websites, books, and magazines almost constantly to help extend their knowledge and understanding. Others never seem to read… Read More »